Three "Musts" For Missions Revival
Three "Musts" For Missions Revival I'm really excited about getting in on everything God has in store for us this week at our 2016 Missions Revival, "REACHING THE NATIONS," and it's my desire to prepare you to be ready for our missions revival this week by giving you the "Three 'Musts' For Missions Revival." I'm so thankful for the many who have volunteered their services in many different ways (food prep, basket items, decorating, 5K sign up, etc), but there is still a few things that need to be done. Let me list them so you can help us all be ready for a great missions revival this week! I. We must be Pure ! There's no need for us to wait for tonight to "get things in order spiritually." Get them in order now. Let's search our hearts and our lives. We'll find out the meeting will be "that much better" if we are where we need to be spiritually, which is, in right standing before God with no deceitful...
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