January 2019 || Ministry Update

January 28th, 2019

Dear Friends and Family,


We can't thank you enough for your compassionate prayers and God bless you all! A FEW HIGHLIGHTS FROM JANUARY

PICTURES: 1. Our first board meeting for A Heart For Revival Ministries was held on January 2nd, 2019. We are excited for the vision of this ministry as we labor for the cause of the Lord in Revival and Evangelism! 

2. Our first Revival Night at Princeville Baptist Church was blessed with 60 in attendance! Pictured are all but one who attended from Crossroads. 

3. We enjoyed some good fellowship with some of the Crossroads family who had completed their Bible reading in 2018. We called it, “Meat From The Master = Meat From The Pastor.” It was encouraging to hear all the testimonies of reading the Bible through last year! 

4. Pastor Nutzhorn and Faith Baptist in Toulon blessed with us with an opportunity to fellowship with them and preach for them on January 23rd. Rachel had time during our pizza fellowship to speak with the young ladies of Faith. It was a blessed evening in the Word! 

5. On Sunday, January 27th, we were able to fill the pulpit for Pastor Chad Delhotal in Princeton, IL. We enjoyed great fellowship with each person that was able to attend. The Lord blessed us with wonderful services together.


We were blessed to receive news of our first promised monthly

supporters from four individuals and one church. All of these have been sweet surprises to us not to mention a great answer to prayer! Every night with Lydia (and in our own prayers), we gather together as a family to pray for meetings, supporters, daily provisions, health to serve others, revival/evangelism, for Lydia to come to know the peace of salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord and other important requests of each day.

We invite you to visit our website and download our revival app. You can find short

Bible challenges, daily podcasts that move chapter by chapter through the Bible, our yearly calendar, and many other encouraging revival insights by visiting our website and app.

We are excited about the meetings Pastors have scheduled, and we are praying for more opportunities to arise as our heart for revival and evangelism continues
to grow. May we stand amazed as God continues to save souls and revive
the saints.

With A Heart For Revival and Evangelism, Justyn, Rachel and Lydia Smith

Isaiah 57:15


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