33 Desires
33 Desires
Today I’d like to post about 33 desire I have on my 33 birthday.
These are listed for your personal encouragement and my personal accountability. I’m still fond of the quote, “If you aim at nothing, you will miss every time.” I don’t want to miss in life for the simple reason of not even taking aim!
Have you ever heard the acrostic for J.O.Y.? There’s actually a child’s song about it:
Jesus, and others, and you…
What a wonderful way to spell JOY.
Jesus, and others, and you…
In the heart of each girl and each boy!
J is for Jesus for He has first place.
O is for others we meet face to face.
Y is for you and whatever you do…
So put yourself last and spell JOY!
In accordance to that song (which is running through my head right now) I’d like to list 33 desires for my 33rd year of life, and I want to do it in a JOYful order - meaning, the things of/for Jesus first, the things of/for others second, and the things for myself last with no specific order of importance within each category.
Here it goes!
13 “JESUS” desires:
3 Over-all Things for God
- Do all to the glory of God
- Worship genuinely
- Be faithful
10 Spiritual Things
- Be faithful in everything
- Die to myself daily
- Seek God’s will daily
- Read, memorize and soak up the Truth of God’s Word daily
- Seek the Spirit’s touch and guidance in my preaching and serving
- Lead someone to Christ
- Seek to be greatly used in a week of preaching revival or teen camp meetings
- Continue The Daily In The Word Podcasts
- Pray for Individual, Congregational, National and World-wide Revival
- Lead and feed Crossroads the way God direct and desires
10 desires for influencing “OTHERS" in my life:
- Love, honor and focus on growing my relationship with my wife.
- Love, raise, direct and pray for Lydia Grace.
- Put others and their needs before my own.
- Look to display amazing love and encouragement to others, especially when I’m the one needing encouragement.
- Make and take quality time for others.
- Forgive - in every circumstance.
- Be the first to greet and welcome strangers.
- Never assume I understand what others are going through, or come across like a know it all, but simply minister.
- Listen more and talk less by simply being more inquisitive in the life of others.
- Develop a keen sense of awareness to the needs and feelings others, and then minister to their benefit for the glory of God.
10 desires for my “YOU” personal life:
- When I sense self-centeredness, pray and read the above two categories again
- Track and record God’s blessings so as to remember and rejoice
- Think correctly - Biblically
- Keep myself pure
- Continue to make healthier food choices by eating more for fuel and not as much for “fun"
- Steward, save and spend money well for the glory of God
- Live under par in life (a thoughtful, purposeful life that draws attention to the glory of God.)
- Continue P90X3 and my set goal (step it up another notch) - 4 to 6 times a week, and do the MURPH more often...this time with the weighted vest. (A work out with a specific set of exercises in honor of one of our fallen - Lt. Michale Murphy.)
- Shoot a sub 72 round of golf
- Hone in on when to "be still” and when to "keep moving forward."
There are soooo many other things that come to mind for each category and many Bible verses have been scrolling through my mind for each of the desires mentioned, but it’s my prayer that the Lord will be glorified through each category and the desires I have!
Again, these are listed for your personal encouragement and my personal accountability.
Blessed Beyond Measure,
Pastor Justyn Smith
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