Christmas Excitement Captured


It’s Christmas! Are you excited?

This picture captures one boy’s excitement over getting a present for Christmas! 

The young man pictured is my nephew, Joshua. He is a very sweet boy with a very kind heart! For the most part, Joshua is very calm, but when anticipation builds within, it’s hard to contain the happiness that leads to an outward expression of JOY!

Due to the advancements of technology, we are all able to catch such sweet moments like these this Christmas. Years from now (if the files remain accessible) we’ll be able to pull moments like these out to view and cherish them!

When my sister sent me this picture, it set an instant smile on my face, and then it sent my mind to work thinking about the JOY God can capture through His view finder on His eternal camera of remembrance! 

I began to wonder, have I made Him smile recently with my reactions to His grace? What moments has God caught me rejoicing due to the eager anticipation that was bottled up within about His eternal provision for me? Have there been such moments in my life that God cherishes as pictures which speak a thousand words about my excitement over Him? Have I responded with such JOY recently?

Have you?

I want to end with a couple verses that express rejoicing. They are as follows:

Psalm 21:1 “The king shall joy in thy strength, O Lord; and in thy salvation how greatly shall he rejoice!” 

Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.”

May God catch us greatly rejoicing over Him today!

We wish each of you a blessed Christmas season!

Blessed Beyond Measure,

Pastor Justyn Smith •


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