May your morning be good…so good because it begins with God waking you up to say, “…learn of me.” (Matthew 11:9)
To learn more about God and His Word should be our greatest desire everyday. Oh, that we may sit at His feet and hear His Word! (Luke 10:39)
Please pay attention to this wonderful verse from Isaiah 50 and verse 4, “The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned.”
Here’s a truth to take in…there are weary souls all around us-every day. Here’s another truth to take in and swallow hard…we have often missed grand opportunities to be used of God in another’s weariness because we have not been in His Word and the place of prayer-we’re not seasoned with salt!
We have too many distractions and too many things vying for our attention, that we miss the most valuable time of our day-time with God. If we are honest we obviously do not realize how imperative it is that we come before God daily to “know him” (Philippians 3:10), without distraction, without delay.
Oh, believer! May I humble implore you? Regardless of the hour you may awake to give attention to God, make it a definite point to daily come before God in prayer and His Word without distraction!!! There’s nothing like knowing a closeness with God, and therefore, being equipped to handle whatever opportunities of ministry God brings your way today.
Oh, that God may be seen in His Word in fresh and powerful way by every child who reads these words!
Thank you for caring about your relationship with God. Thank you for not being distracted by petty little things. Thank you for being empowered, equipped, and energized for ministry, because, you never know who you may have opportunity to minister to during this new day. Today may be the day I need you and a word from the Lord that He has given you. Today, I may be the weary one that needs a fellow soldier. No one is above weariness!! Except the Lord…get to Him!!!
Blessed beyond measure by the wakening touch of the Lord,
Pastor Justyn Smith
CrossroadsPeoria.com (at Crossroads Baptist Church)
Pastor Justyn Smith
CrossroadsPeoria.com (at Crossroads Baptist Church)
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