Our vacation has been wonderful! One of the highlights for me (among many) has been awaking before the break of day, heading a couple miles down the mountain from our condo, finding my seat at a table at the Inn at Silver Creek and then spending time in prayer, study and sermon prep (the work of a preacher is never through). ;-)
While enjoying this “God and I time,” I have had the privilege of seeing many sunrises like the one pictured, but today’s (the one pictured) takes the cake. 
Instantly, upon noticing the beauty of my morning view, I quickly made my way outside and snapped the picture…
Amazing, isn’t it?!
God quickly brought the following verse to mind, Malachi 4:2, “But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings…”
Do you know the beauty that is in view for those that fear His name? O what power! O what glory! O what beauty! O what healing our Lord shall come with when He comes again! This truth of Christ’s coming again is certainly a greater beauty that is in view than the beauty of the Colorado sunrise this morning!
Here are my questions for you: Are you ready for His coming again? Have you trusted in the only One Who can save you: Jesus Christ? If you’re saved, are you preparing yourself to meet Christ by living your life in the proper fear of God?
This morning’s beauty passed away so quickly, and just as the beauty of the sunrise faded away, the coming beauty of Christ that is in view will be but for a moment…here and then gone. Many missed the morning beauty today as they were asleep in bed, but may it never be said that we missed the beauty of Christ’s coming because we never awoke spiritually to the great salvation that’s in Christ!
Dear friends, let it be said of us, who know Christ, that while we walked this earth we walked it as “well saved and God-fearing people,” for He is worthy of such a life lived out for His glory!
Thank you for reading! Let’s decide, commit and glorify our Lord today!
Blessed beyond measure,
Pastor Justyn Smith (at Inn at Silver Creek)


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