My name is Justyn Smith. I'm an itinerant preacher from Illinois.
God led us to begin A Heart For Revival Ministries in December of 2018. We trust that this blog site will cultivate A HEART FOR REVIVAL and evangelism for the glory of God.
Three "Musts" For Missions Revival I'm really excited about getting in on everything God has in store for us this week at our 2016 Missions Revival, "REACHING THE NATIONS," and it's my desire to prepare you to be ready for our missions revival this week by giving you the "Three 'Musts' For Missions Revival." I'm so thankful for the many who have volunteered their services in many different ways (food prep, basket items, decorating, 5K sign up, etc), but there is still a few things that need to be done. Let me list them so you can help us all be ready for a great missions revival this week! I. We must be Pure ! There's no need for us to wait for tonight to "get things in order spiritually." Get them in order now. Let's search our hearts and our lives. We'll find out the meeting will be "that much better" if we are where we need to be spiritually, which is, in right standing before God with no deceitful...
2021 End Of The Year Update CLICK HERE TO PRINT THIS NEWSLETTER Thank you for reading about, giving to and praying for all that God has allowed us and is allowing us…it’s all for His glory! Jude 1:24-25 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. This newsletter is simple and to the point. We wish to deliver the highlights from 2021 accompanied with the anticipated plans for 2022. Rejoice points for our 2021 END OF THE YEAR totals: ~We were blessed to have 60 different events! We were thrilled to be with 14 NEW CHURCHES this year. This also means we had the tremendous blessing of continuing to build relationships by revisiting 46 churches. We want to express our gratitude for each new pastor and each reoccurring pastor that allowed us to visit their churches and minister to their ...
Dear Family and Friends... The Work of our December ministry was exciting and extremely blessed by the Lord! Our hearts are full, and we are marveling over our Saviour's birth! We are rejoicing over so many things to report...first, thank you for your faithful prayers, love and support. NOTES: We ARE CURRENTLY in Alaska visiting family and ministering the Word of God through the first week of February. Please take note that any support sent by mail may take a little longer to be deposited. Also, our envelopes need to be reprinted due to an old address on them. If you don’t know it already, please take note of the new address for correspondence on our website. We will attempt to produce an annual “report” newsletter after the first of the year, but this may not be accomplished until we return from Alaska the first part of February. We shall see! REJOICE POINTS: 1. We were gifted a trip to Branson! We got to meet and fellowship with the lovely people of Calvary Baptist C...
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