March 2020 || Ministry Update
De ar Family and Friends... Welcome to Spring 2020 ! Please don’t let the current events control your faith...desire to move forward “Seeing Him Who Is Invisible.” We are rejoicing over so many blessings to report, but, first, thank you for your faithful prayers, love and support. REJOICE POINTS: 1. GOD BLESSED US WITH A GREAT FAMILY VACATION! We always look forward to every opportunity we get with family! 2. GOD INCREASED OUR SUPPORT! We received news (at the end of February) from a current supporter. They felt led to increase their monthly giving to A Heart For Revival Ministries! Thank you, dear supporter, for increasing your monthly gifts to aid us financially in the work God has led us to do. You are an answer to our prayers! (Though we don’t petition for support from behind pulpits [unless asked to present the need], we do PRAY for support in private. This rejoice point answered specific prayers for support, and allows us another avenue to teach Lydia how God won...