The Power Of A Blessing!
The Power Of A Blessing! Rachel and I have been blessed beyond measure countless times throughout our years of ministry. Recently, a lot of the blessings we have received have been centered around God's gracious gift of Rachel being with child for the first time. Jesus has a special blessing for those with the mentality, pursuit, and execution of giving, for the Bible says in Acts 20:35, "...It is more blessed to give than to receive." This past week I spent several days at prayer camp in Alabama. On Tuesday, I made it a point to be a blessing to one of our missionary families that lives close to the camp: The Tesseneers to India. Though I set out to be a blessing to them, I believe they were the greater blessing to me. Our fellowship was sweet, they gave us a gift, and then treated me to lunch. I daresay, even though I set out to be a blessing to them, they'll receive the greater blessing! Praise the Lord for Danny & Denise Tesseneer! First, let me share how t...