
Showing posts from October, 2016

The Power Of A Blessing!

  The Power Of A Blessing! Rachel and I have been blessed beyond measure countless times throughout our years of ministry. Recently, a lot of the blessings we have received have been centered around God's gracious gift of Rachel being with child for the first time. Jesus has a special blessing for those with the mentality, pursuit, and execution of giving, for the Bible says in Acts 20:35, "...It is more blessed to give than to receive." This past week I spent several days at prayer camp in Alabama. On Tuesday, I made it a point to be a blessing to one of our missionary families that lives close to the camp: The Tesseneers to India.  Though I set out to be a blessing to them, I believe they were the greater blessing to me. Our fellowship was sweet, they gave us a gift, and then treated me to lunch. I daresay, even though I set out to be a blessing to them, they'll receive the greater blessing! Praise the Lord for Danny & Denise Tesseneer! First, let me share how t...

Ignite Youth Conference 2016

  Ignite Youth Conference 2016 Ignite Youth Conference 2016  Update: I am one excited Pastor! The Lord used Brother Jody Jenkins to preach the word and see many saved and reassured of their salvation in Christ! Then, Brother Scott Pauley (The man who preached when I surrendered to full-time Christian service) stood and brought a tremendous second message! The atmosphere and spirit of the meeting has been great so far, and we are looking forward to tomorrow! Prayers appreciated. There were over 600 in attendance tonight… to God be all the glory! May the walls in each person’s life that have been established by the devil, the world, and the flesh be pulled down by the power of God’s Word and a willingness to surrender and submit to Him! Blessed Beyond Measure, Pastor Justyn Smith (at Park Meadows Baptist Church – Lincoln, IL)