Time For Some Door To Door!
Time For Some Door To Door! It’s time for some down to earth ministering while out door to door. Oh, Christian, there are so many missed opportunities when we won’t go and tell! Opportunities to pray with people, opportunities to witness the Gospel’s power to save, opportunities to make life time friends, opportunities to stand for the truth, opportunities to rejoice with other believers, opportunities to invite people to church who wouldn’t normally receive an invite, and opportunities beyond comprehension of how the Lord desires to work through a simple testimony like yours and mine! You may not have as much freedom as a Pastor has to get busy in this type of work, but please purpose to make time for this great commission work…you never know how the Lord will use you…yes, YOU! Never believe the lie that going and telling is just for preachers…its for all that name the name of Jesus Christ! And remember, if you aim at nothing, you will miss every time. Set purposeful...