A Special Thanks To All Serving The Lord We wish to lift a voice of praise for all Gospel Pastors, Evangelists, Missionaries, Teachers, and Laymen (and especially their brides) who consistently and compassionately labor to see revival, souls saved, the magnification of God, and the health of the body of Christ! Your work and labour of love is not in vain…stick to it…fight the good fight…don’t give in to temptation…take time to be holy…work till Jesus comes…go ye into all the world…draw near to the heart of God…be a vessel fit for the Master’s use…sing His praises…stand having done all to stand…let Him have His way with thee…all the while giving all glory to God! We must continue our ministries with pulpits afire, the glory of God seen, the love of God on our lips, the grace of God evident in our hearts, the power of God displayed, and the help of God on our persons. May we see Him who is invisible as never before. May we possess within our reins a holy zeal to minist...